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The Health and Safety Executive


Resources How much money does the Government give the HSE?
Reporting an incident to the HSE (or local Authority) What types of deaths, injuries and diseases need to be reported? Who has to report them and how quickly? What incidents dont need to be reported? What are the implications of reporting or not reported
Investigation Criteria How does the HSE decide which injuries and other reported incidents are investigated?
Work-Related Road Traffic Incidents What is a Work-Related Road Traffic Incident? And in what circumstances do they investigate them?
Investigation Procedure How does the HSE actually investigate incidents? What procedures should HSE inspectors follow?
Prosecution How does the HSE decide when to prosecute? What tests do the HSE use to determine when investigate? What are HSE's prosecution procedures?
Accountability of Individuals How does the HSE investigate - and prosecute - the conduct of individuals, including directors?
Enforcement Notices What are improvement and prohibition notices? When does the HSE impose them?
Crown Bodies What is a crown body? Do they need to comply with the law? How does HSE deal with them?
Public Safety How does the HSE deal with public safety? The HSE has introduced a new policy on this
Select Committee There have been two parliamentary select committees looking into the work of the Health and Safety Executive
Complaints about HSE Do you want to know how to complain about the work of the HSE?
Ombudsman and the HSE How to complain to the Ombudsman if you are not satisfied with HSE's response to your complaint? Do you want to see Ombudsman's reports into previous complaints by the HSE?


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Page last updated on March 15, 2005